Аудит отчетности по МСФО
Учет по МСФО нацелен на раскрытие реального финансового положения организации (индивидуального предпринимателя). Задачей аудита отчетности, составленной по МСФО, является выражение мнения о соответствии данной отчетности требованиям международных стандартов.
Подробнее см. «Инициативный аудит»
Preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS
Provided that it is your case:
- You are planning a large contract (considering the long-term cooperation) with a Russian company
- Maybe you are considering investments in a Russian company
- Or you have already invested in a Russian company
you would probably like to receive financial information in a form convenient for you (that is financial reports prepared in accordance with IFRS)
According to the Russian legislation preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS is mandatory for:
- banks;
- insurance companies;
- the holdings, which prepare consolidated financial reports
All other Russian companies prepare financial statements under RAS (Russian accounting standards)
We provide the following services for reporting under IFRS:
- Preparation of financial statements in compliance with IFRS;
- The transformation of financial statements prepared in accordance with RAS into financial statements that comply with IFRS;
- Consolidation of a Group of companies in accordance with IFRS
IFRS consulting
If in the process of preparing financial statements under IFRS you
- are not sure whether some particular operations are accounted correctly and completely;
- plan to make changes in accounting policies and want to know how it will effect the reports;
- faced other problems in reporting.
We are ready to answer any questions regarding International and Russian accounting standards — just ask your question.