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Consulting for you

Tax consulting

The tax legislation is changing consistently. It is difficult to keep up with new requirements in the regulations and do not make any mistakes and apply these requirements in practice correctly. This task can be fulfilled with the help of professional education and appropriate skills. Do you want to do your business, without spending precious time for formalities? Do you want to be insured from unpleasant surprises from supervisory authorities, partners in business or the personnel of your company?

Perhaps, you simply doubt at consequences of accounting or taxation of some particular operation? Or you feel the need to have an important internal document (policy, procedure, a contract or other)

It is our pleasure to help you to dispel doubts and meet your objectives.


Accompaniment of tax audits set by law

Support in the course of the statutory audit of tax compliance, which is exercised by tax authorities of Russia, is relevant and popular service provided by our company. Statutory audit of tax compliance is exercised in two forms – “Desk” form and “In-the-field” form

“Desk” audits are carried out in the tax authority offices, where your company is supposed to deliver tax reports (declarations) regularly. In addition your company will be demanded to present the documents and give commentaries, which will clarify the figures in the tax reports of your company.

“In-the-field” audits are carried out at your company’s place. To conduct such an audit there must be a decision of the tax authority. Tax inspectors can request for examination any information (documentation) which they think is relevant for the period in question.

The tax audit report will be prepared at the end of the both types of audit. The tax audit report will be the basis for the decision to impose (not to impose) penalties.

Support in the course of the statutory audit of tax compliance include:

  • provision of legal interpretation of tax legislation.
  • preparation of the reporting documentation submitted to tax authority
  • the analysis and preparation of primary-record-documents, which tax authorities demand;
  • preparation of reasoned objections to unlawful actions (inactions) of tax authorities;
  • preparation of objections to the tax audit report;
  • protection the interests of the client during negotiations with tax inspectors
  • the assessment of possible consequences of the tax trial
  • pretrial settlement of tax disputes.

Our experts will help you to pass statutory tax audits with the minimum consequences for your finance and nervous system.


We strongly believe that asserting the legal rights in disputes with tax authorities is the proper behavior. However, often a real opportunity to protect your rights is lost due to annoying errors, such as:

  • objections are incorrectly formulated,
  • specific legislative provision is incorrectly interpreted or chosen
  • the way of protecting rights is incorrectly chosen.

The outcome of tax dispute directly depends on qualification, knowledge, experience of representatives of the taxpayer.

Should it happen with your company that:

  • tax authorities refused to compensate the VAT;
  • penalties are imposed after the “Desk” or “In-the-field” tax audit;
  • tax authorities sent a demand for payment of tax, fee, fines and penalties
  • tax authorities unreasonably blocked your bank account or unreasonably deducted from your account tax payments;
  • other unlawful actions (inaction) committed.

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